Master Klok Is a Full Instructor Expert Level 1, “6th Degree Black Belt” in authentic Israeli Krav Maga. KMA Association under Grand Master Marty Cale.
Master Klok has trained in Israel with several of Israel’s top instructors and special forces trainers and is a certified instructor in Israeli Knife fighting as well as Israeli combat shooting for both handgun and “AR-15” long gun.
In addition, Master Klok is also a former NY, NJ, and NC State Champion and has competed In martial arts tournaments for over 30 years holding national titles.
With close to 40 years of martial arts experience Master Klok owned and operated “Klok’s School of Martial Arts”, Wake Forest, NC for 20+ years, and trained hundreds of students to the level of black belt and higher, including several state and national champions. In addition, Master Klok has graduated several students through to level 6 in Krav Maga.
Other Styles Studied by Master Klok include:
• 6th Degree Black Belt Authentic ITF Tae Kwon Do, Under GM Bai
• 6th Black Belt Hap Ki Do, GM Bai
• Certified Sifu “Instructor” Wing Chun Kung Fu, Under GM Henry Cook
• Black Belt Mui Tai
• Purple Belt, Gracie BJJ
• Black Belt Fu-Jaw Pai “Black Tiger Claw” Kung Fu
Championships Won by Master Klok:
2017 National Top Shooter, US Krav Maga Association.
2002, 2003 NC State Championship…
1992 Blue Grass Nationals, Louisville Kentucky
1986 New Hampshire State Championship
1987 NJ National Championship, Mahwah NJ
1988 NY State Championship, NYC
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